separator constant

CupertinoDynamicColor const separator

The color for thin borders or divider lines that allows some underlying content to be visible, equivalent to UIColor.separator.


static const CupertinoDynamicColor separator = CupertinoDynamicColor(
  debugLabel: 'separator',
  color: Color.fromARGB(73, 60, 60, 67),
  darkColor: Color.fromARGB(153, 84, 84, 88),
  highContrastColor: Color.fromARGB(94, 60, 60, 67),
  darkHighContrastColor: Color.fromARGB(173, 84, 84, 88),
  elevatedColor: Color.fromARGB(73, 60, 60, 67),
  darkElevatedColor: Color.fromARGB(153, 210, 210, 210),
  highContrastElevatedColor: Color.fromARGB(94, 60, 60, 67),
  darkHighContrastElevatedColor: Color.fromARGB(173, 84, 84, 88),