updateSemantics method

  1. @Deprecated(''' In a multi-view world, the platform dispatcher can no longer provide apis to update semantics since each view will host its own semantics tree. Semantics updates must be passed to an individual [FlutterView]. To update semantics, use PlatformDispatcher.instance.views to get a [FlutterView] and call `updateSemantics`. ''')
void updateSemantics(
  1. SemanticsUpdate update

Change the retained semantics data about this platform dispatcher.

If semanticsEnabled is true, the user has requested that this function be called whenever the semantic content of this platform dispatcher changes.

In either case, this function disposes the given update, which means the semantics update cannot be used further.


  In a multi-view world, the platform dispatcher can no longer provide apis
  to update semantics since each view will host its own semantics tree.

  Semantics updates must be passed to an individual [FlutterView]. To update
  semantics, use PlatformDispatcher.instance.views to get a [FlutterView] and
  call `updateSemantics`.
void updateSemantics(SemanticsUpdate update) =>
    _updateSemantics(update as _NativeSemanticsUpdate);