SemanticsFlag class
A Boolean value that can be associated with a semantics node.
Invocation invocation) → dynamic -
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
) → String -
A string representation of this object.
operator ==(
Object other) → bool -
The equality operator.
Static Properties
→ List<
SemanticsFlag> -
no setter
Static Methods
int index) → SemanticsFlag?
- hasCheckedState → const SemanticsFlag
- The semantics node has the quality of either being "checked" or "unchecked".
- hasEnabledState → const SemanticsFlag
- The semantics node has the quality of either being "enabled" or "disabled".
- hasExpandedState → const SemanticsFlag
- The semantics node has the quality of either being "expanded" or "collapsed".
- hasImplicitScrolling → const SemanticsFlag
- Whether the platform can scroll the semantics node when the user attempts to move focus to an offscreen child.
- hasSelectedState → const SemanticsFlag
- The semantics node has the quality of either being "selected" or "unselected".
- hasToggledState → const SemanticsFlag
- The semantics node has the quality of either being "on" or "off".
- isButton → const SemanticsFlag
- Whether the semantic node represents a button.
- isChecked → const SemanticsFlag
- Whether a semantics node that hasCheckedState is checked.
- isCheckStateMixed → const SemanticsFlag
- Whether a tristate checkbox is in its mixed state.
- isEnabled → const SemanticsFlag
- Whether a semantic node that hasEnabledState is currently enabled.
- isExpanded → const SemanticsFlag
- Whether a semantics node is expanded.
- isFocusable → const SemanticsFlag
- Whether the semantic node is able to hold the user's focus.
- isFocused → const SemanticsFlag
- Whether the semantic node currently holds the user's focus.
- isHeader → const SemanticsFlag
- Whether a semantic node is a header that divides content into sections.
- isHidden → const SemanticsFlag
- Whether the semantics node is considered hidden.
- isImage → const SemanticsFlag
- Whether the semantics node represents an image.
- isInMutuallyExclusiveGroup → const SemanticsFlag
- Whether a semantic node is in a mutually exclusive group.
- isKeyboardKey → const SemanticsFlag
- Whether the semantic node represents a keyboard key.
- isLink → const SemanticsFlag
- Whether the semantic node is an interactive link.
- isLiveRegion → const SemanticsFlag
- Whether the semantics node is a live region.
- isMultiline → const SemanticsFlag
- Whether the value of the semantics node is coming from a multi-line text field.
- isObscured → const SemanticsFlag
- Whether the value of the semantics node is obscured.
- isReadOnly → const SemanticsFlag
- Whether the semantic node is read only.
- isSelected → const SemanticsFlag
- Whether a semantics node is selected.
- isSlider → const SemanticsFlag
- Whether the semantic node represents a slider.
- isTextField → const SemanticsFlag
- Whether the semantic node represents a text field.
- isToggled → const SemanticsFlag
- If true, the semantics node is "on". If false, the semantics node is "off".
- namesRoute → const SemanticsFlag
- Whether the semantics node label is the name of a visually distinct route.
- scopesRoute → const SemanticsFlag
- Whether the semantics node is the root of a subtree for which a route name should be announced.