ofSubstring method

FinderBase<TextRangeContext> ofSubstring(
  1. String substring, {
  2. bool skipOffstage = true,
  3. FinderBase<Element>? descendentOf,

Finds all non-overlapping occurrences of the given substring in the static text widgets and returns the TextRanges.

If the skipOffstage argument is true (the default), then this skips static text inside widgets that are Offstage, or that are from inactive Routes.

If the descendentOf argument is non-null, this method only searches in the descendants of that parameter for the given substring.

This finder uses the Pattern.allMatches method to match the substring in the text. After finding a matching substring in the text, the method continues the search from the end of the match, thus skipping overlapping occurrences of the substring.


FinderBase<TextRangeContext> ofSubstring(
  String substring, {
  bool skipOffstage = true,
  FinderBase<Element>? descendentOf,
}) {
  final _TextContainingWidgetFinder textWidgetFinder = _TextContainingWidgetFinder(
    skipOffstage: skipOffstage,
    findRichText: true,
  final Finder elementFinder =
      descendentOf == null
          ? textWidgetFinder
          : _DescendantWidgetFinder(
            matchRoot: true,
            skipOffstage: skipOffstage,
  return _StaticTextRangeFinder(elementFinder, substring);