moveTo method
Send a move event moving the pointer to the given location.
If the pointer is down, then a move event is dispatched. If the pointer is up, then a hover event is dispatched.
See also:
- WidgetController.drag, a method to simulate a drag.
- WidgetController.timedDrag, a method to simulate the drag of a given widget in a given duration. It sends move events at a given frequency and it is useful when there are listeners involved.
- WidgetController.fling, a method to simulate a fling.
Future<void> moveTo(Offset location, {Duration timeStamp =}) {
assert(_pointer.kind != PointerDeviceKind.trackpad);
return TestAsyncUtils.guard<void>(() {
if (_pointer._isDown) {
return _dispatcher(_pointer.move(location, timeStamp: timeStamp));
} else {
return _dispatcher(_pointer.hover(location, timeStamp: timeStamp));