requestViewFocusChange method
- required int viewId,
- required ViewFocusState state,
- required ViewFocusDirection direction,
Requests a focus change of the FlutterView with ID viewId
If an app would like to request the engine to move focus, in forward direction, to the FlutterView with ID 1 it should call this method with ViewFocusState.focused and ViewFocusDirection.forward.
There is no need to call this method if the view in question already has focus as it won't have any effect.
A call to this method will lead to the engine calling onViewFocusChange if the request is successfully fulfilled.
See also:
- onViewFocusChange, a callback to subscribe to view focus change events.
void requestViewFocusChange({
required int viewId,
required ViewFocusState state,
required ViewFocusDirection direction,
}) {
_testFocusEvents.add(ViewFocusEvent(viewId: viewId, state: state, direction: direction));
_platformDispatcher.requestViewFocusChange(viewId: viewId, state: state, direction: direction);