rendersOnPhysicalModel function

Matcher rendersOnPhysicalModel({
  1. BoxShape? shape,
  2. BorderRadius? borderRadius,
  3. double? elevation,

Asserts that a Finder locates a single object whose root RenderObject is a RenderPhysicalModel or a RenderPhysicalShape.

  • If the render object is a RenderPhysicalModel
  • If the render object is a RenderPhysicalShape
    • If borderRadius is non null asserts that the shape is a rounded rectangle with this radius.
    • If borderRadius is null, asserts that the shape is equivalent to shape.
    • If elevation is non null asserts that RenderPhysicalModel.elevation is equal to elevation.


Matcher rendersOnPhysicalModel({BoxShape? shape, BorderRadius? borderRadius, double? elevation}) {
  return _RendersOnPhysicalModel(shape: shape, borderRadius: borderRadius, elevation: elevation);