errorTextConfiguration top-level property

TextTreeConfiguration errorTextConfiguration

Configuration that draws a box around a node ignoring the connection to the parents.

If nested in a tree, this node is best displayed in the property box rather than as a traditional child.

Used to draw a decorative box around detailed descriptions of an exception.


══╡ <name>: <description> ╞═════════════════════════════════════
├─<normal_child_name>: <child_description>
╎ │ <property1>
╎ │ <property2>
╎ │ ...
╎ │ <propertyN>
╎ │
╎ └─<child_name>: <child_description>
╎     <property1>
╎     <property2>
╎     ...
╎     <propertyN>
╎╌<dashed_child_name>: <child_description>
╎ │ <property1>
╎ │ <property2>
╎ │ ...
╎ │ <propertyN>
╎ │
╎ └─<child_name>: <child_description>
╎     <property1>
╎     <property2>
╎     ...
╎     <propertyN>
└╌<dashed_child_name>: <child_description>'

See also:


final TextTreeConfiguration errorTextConfiguration = TextTreeConfiguration(
  prefixLineOne: '╞═╦',
  prefixLastChildLineOne: '╘═╦',
  prefixOtherLines: ' ║ ',
  footer: ' ╚═══════════',
  linkCharacter: '│',
  // Subtree boundaries are clear due to the border around the node so omit the
  // property prefix.
  propertyPrefixIfChildren: '',
  propertyPrefixNoChildren: '',
  prefixOtherLinesRootNode: '',
  beforeName: '══╡ ',
  suffixLineOne: ' ╞══',
  mandatoryFooter: '═════',
  // No need to add a blank line as the footer makes the boundary of this
  // subtree unambiguous.
  addBlankLineIfNoChildren: false,
  isBlankLineBetweenPropertiesAndChildren: false,