getOffsetY method
- ScaffoldPrelayoutGeometry scaffoldGeometry,
- double adjustment
Calculates y-offset for FloatingActionButtonLocations floating over the Scaffold.bottomNavigationBar so that the center of the floating action button lines up with the top of the bottom navigation bar.
double getOffsetY(ScaffoldPrelayoutGeometry scaffoldGeometry, double adjustment) {
final double contentBottom = scaffoldGeometry.contentBottom;
final double contentMargin = scaffoldGeometry.scaffoldSize.height - contentBottom;
final double bottomViewPadding = scaffoldGeometry.minViewPadding.bottom;
final double bottomSheetHeight = scaffoldGeometry.bottomSheetSize.height;
final double fabHeight = scaffoldGeometry.floatingActionButtonSize.height;
final double snackBarHeight = scaffoldGeometry.snackBarSize.height;
final double bottomMinInset = scaffoldGeometry.minInsets.bottom;
double safeMargin;
if (contentMargin > bottomMinInset + fabHeight / 2.0) {
// If contentMargin is higher than bottomMinInset enough to display the
// FAB without clipping, don't provide a margin
safeMargin = 0.0;
} else if (bottomMinInset == 0.0) {
// If bottomMinInset is zero(the software keyboard is not on the screen)
// provide bottomViewPadding as margin
safeMargin = bottomViewPadding;
} else {
// Provide a margin that would shift the FAB enough so that it stays away
// from the keyboard
safeMargin = fabHeight / 2.0 + kFloatingActionButtonMargin;
double fabY = contentBottom - fabHeight / 2.0 - safeMargin;
// The FAB should sit with a margin between it and the snack bar.
if (snackBarHeight > 0.0) {
fabY = math.min(
contentBottom - snackBarHeight - fabHeight - kFloatingActionButtonMargin,
// The FAB should sit with its center in front of the top of the bottom sheet.
if (bottomSheetHeight > 0.0) {
fabY = math.min(fabY, contentBottom - bottomSheetHeight - fabHeight / 2.0);
final double maxFabY = scaffoldGeometry.scaffoldSize.height - fabHeight - safeMargin;
return math.min(maxFabY, fabY);