buildHandle method
- BuildContext context,
- TextSelectionHandleType type,
- double textHeight, [
- VoidCallback? onTap,
Builder for material-style text selection handles.
Widget buildHandle(
BuildContext context,
TextSelectionHandleType type,
double textHeight, [
VoidCallback? onTap,
]) {
final ThemeData theme = Theme.of(context);
final Color handleColor =
TextSelectionTheme.of(context).selectionHandleColor ?? theme.colorScheme.primary;
final Widget handle = SizedBox(
width: _kHandleSize,
height: _kHandleSize,
child: CustomPaint(
painter: _TextSelectionHandlePainter(color: handleColor),
child: GestureDetector(onTap: onTap, behavior: HitTestBehavior.translucent),
// [handle] is a circle, with a rectangle in the top left quadrant of that
// circle (an onion pointing to 10:30). We rotate [handle] to point
// straight up or up-right depending on the handle type.
return switch (type) {
TextSelectionHandleType.left => Transform.rotate(
angle: math.pi / 2.0,
child: handle,
), // points up-right
TextSelectionHandleType.right => handle, // points up-left
TextSelectionHandleType.collapsed => Transform.rotate(
angle: math.pi / 4.0,
child: handle,
), // points up