buildModalBarrier method

  1. @override
Widget buildModalBarrier()

Build the barrier for this ModalRoute, subclasses can override this method to create their own barrier with customized features such as color or accessibility focus size.

See also:


Widget buildModalBarrier() {
  if (barrierColor.a != 0 && !offstage) {
    // changedInternalState is called if barrierColor or offstage updates
    assert(barrierColor != barrierColor.withValues(alpha: 0.0));
    final Animation<Color?> color = animation!.drive(
        begin: barrierColor.withValues(alpha: 0.0),
        end: barrierColor, // changedInternalState is called if barrierColor updates
        CurveTween(curve: barrierCurve),
      ), // changedInternalState is called if barrierCurve updates
    return AnimatedModalBarrier(
      color: color,
          barrierDismissible, // changedInternalState is called if barrierDismissible updates
      semanticsLabel: barrierLabel, // changedInternalState is called if barrierLabel updates
      barrierSemanticsDismissible: semanticsDismissible,
      clipDetailsNotifier: _clipDetailsNotifier,
      semanticsOnTapHint: barrierOnTapHint,
  } else {
    return ModalBarrier(
          barrierDismissible, // changedInternalState is called if barrierDismissible updates
      semanticsLabel: barrierLabel, // changedInternalState is called if barrierLabel updates
      barrierSemanticsDismissible: semanticsDismissible,
      clipDetailsNotifier: _clipDetailsNotifier,
      semanticsOnTapHint: barrierOnTapHint,