Slider class

A Material Design slider.

Used to select from a range of values.

This example showcases non-discrete and discrete Sliders. The Sliders will show the updated Material 3 Design appearance when setting the Slider.year2023 flag to false.

To create a local project with this code sample, run:
flutter create --sample=material.Slider.1 mysample

This example shows a Slider widget using the Slider.secondaryTrackValue to show a secondary track in the slider.

To create a local project with this code sample, run:
flutter create --sample=material.Slider.2 mysample

A slider can be used to select from either a continuous or a discrete set of values. The default is to use a continuous range of values from min to max. To use discrete values, use a non-null value for divisions, which indicates the number of discrete intervals. For example, if min is 0.0 and max is 50.0 and divisions is 5, then the slider can take on the discrete values 0.0, 10.0, 20.0, 30.0, 40.0, and 50.0.

The terms for the parts of a slider are:

  • The "thumb", which is a shape that slides horizontally when the user drags it.
  • The "track", which is the line that the slider thumb slides along.
  • The "value indicator", which is a shape that pops up when the user is dragging the thumb to indicate the value being selected.
  • The "active" side of the slider is the side between the thumb and the minimum value.
  • The "inactive" side of the slider is the side between the thumb and the maximum value.

The slider will be disabled if onChanged is null or if the range given by min..max is empty (i.e. if min is equal to max).

The slider widget itself does not maintain any state. Instead, when the state of the slider changes, the widget calls the onChanged callback. Most widgets that use a slider will listen for the onChanged callback and rebuild the slider with a new value to update the visual appearance of the slider. To know when the value starts to change, or when it is done changing, set the optional callbacks onChangeStart and/or onChangeEnd.

By default, a slider will be as wide as possible, centered vertically. When given unbounded constraints, it will attempt to make the track 144 pixels wide (with margins on each side) and will shrink-wrap vertically.

Requires one of its ancestors to be a Material widget.

Requires one of its ancestors to be a MediaQuery widget. Typically, these are introduced by the MaterialApp or WidgetsApp widget at the top of your application widget tree.

To determine how it should be displayed (e.g. colors, thumb shape, etc.), a slider uses the SliderThemeData available from either a SliderTheme widget or the ThemeData.sliderTheme a Theme widget above it in the widget tree. You can also override some of the colors with the activeColor and inactiveColor properties, although more fine-grained control of the look is achieved using a SliderThemeData.

See also:



Slider({Key? key, required double value, double? secondaryTrackValue, required ValueChanged<double>? onChanged, ValueChanged<double>? onChangeStart, ValueChanged<double>? onChangeEnd, double min = 0.0, double max = 1.0, int? divisions, String? label, Color? activeColor, Color? inactiveColor, Color? secondaryActiveColor, Color? thumbColor, MaterialStateProperty<Color?>? overlayColor, MouseCursor? mouseCursor, SemanticFormatterCallback? semanticFormatterCallback, FocusNode? focusNode, bool autofocus = false, SliderInteraction? allowedInteraction, EdgeInsetsGeometry? padding, @Deprecated('Use SliderTheme to customize the Slider appearance. ' 'This feature was deprecated after v3.27.0-0.1.pre.') bool? year2023})
Creates a Material Design slider.
Slider.adaptive({Key? key, required double value, double? secondaryTrackValue, required ValueChanged<double>? onChanged, ValueChanged<double>? onChangeStart, ValueChanged<double>? onChangeEnd, double min = 0.0, double max = 1.0, int? divisions, String? label, MouseCursor? mouseCursor, Color? activeColor, Color? inactiveColor, Color? secondaryActiveColor, Color? thumbColor, MaterialStateProperty<Color?>? overlayColor, SemanticFormatterCallback? semanticFormatterCallback, FocusNode? focusNode, bool autofocus = false, SliderInteraction? allowedInteraction, @Deprecated('Use SliderTheme to customize the Slider appearance. ' 'This feature was deprecated after v3.27.0-0.1.pre.') bool? year2023})
Creates an adaptive Slider based on the target platform, following Material design's Cross-platform guidelines.


activeColor Color?
The color to use for the portion of the slider track that is active.
allowedInteraction SliderInteraction?
Allowed way for the user to interact with the Slider.
autofocus bool
True if this widget will be selected as the initial focus when no other node in its scope is currently focused.
divisions int?
The number of discrete divisions.
focusNode FocusNode?
An optional focus node to use as the focus node for this widget.
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
inactiveColor Color?
The color for the inactive portion of the slider track.
key Key?
Controls how one widget replaces another widget in the tree.
label String?
A label to show above the slider when the slider is active and SliderThemeData.showValueIndicator is satisfied.
max double
The maximum value the user can select.
min double
The minimum value the user can select.
mouseCursor MouseCursor?
The cursor for a mouse pointer when it enters or is hovering over the widget.
onChanged ValueChanged<double>?
Called during a drag when the user is selecting a new value for the slider by dragging.
onChangeEnd ValueChanged<double>?
Called when the user is done selecting a new value for the slider.
onChangeStart ValueChanged<double>?
Called when the user starts selecting a new value for the slider.
overlayColor MaterialStateProperty<Color?>?
The highlight color that's typically used to indicate that the slider thumb is focused, hovered, or dragged.
padding EdgeInsetsGeometry?
Determines the padding around the Slider.
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
secondaryActiveColor Color?
The color to use for the portion of the slider track between the thumb and the Slider.secondaryTrackValue.
secondaryTrackValue double?
The secondary track value for this slider.
semanticFormatterCallback SemanticFormatterCallback?
The callback used to create a semantic value from a slider value.
thumbColor Color?
The color of the thumb.
value double
The currently selected value for this slider.
year2023 bool?
When true, the Slider will use the 2023 Material Design 3 appearance. Defaults to true.


createElement() StatefulElement
Creates a StatefulElement to manage this widget's location in the tree.
createState() State<Slider>
Creates the mutable state for this widget at a given location in the tree.
debugDescribeChildren() List<DiagnosticsNode>
Returns a list of DiagnosticsNode objects describing this node's children.
debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) → void
Add additional properties associated with the node.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toDiagnosticsNode({String? name, DiagnosticsTreeStyle? style}) DiagnosticsNode
Returns a debug representation of the object that is used by debugging tools and by DiagnosticsNode.toStringDeep.
toString({DiagnosticLevel minLevel =}) String
A string representation of this object.
toStringDeep({String prefixLineOne = '', String? prefixOtherLines, DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel.debug, int wrapWidth = 65}) String
Returns a string representation of this node and its descendants.
toStringShallow({String joiner = ', ', DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel.debug}) String
Returns a one-line detailed description of the object.
toStringShort() String
A short, textual description of this widget.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.