trackGap property
The size of the gap between the active and inactive tracks of the GappedSliderTrackShape.
If SliderThemeData.trackShape is GappedSliderTrackShape, this property is used to set the gap between the active and inactive tracks. Otherwise, the default gap size is 6.0 pixels.
The Slider defaults to GappedSliderTrackShape when the track shape is not specified, and the trackGap can be used to adjust the gap size.
If Slider.year2023 is false or ThemeData.useMaterial3 is false, then the Slider track shape defaults to RoundedRectSliderTrackShape and the trackGap is ignored. In this case, set the track shape to GappedSliderTrackShape to use the trackGap.
Defaults to 6.0 pixels of gap between the active and inactive tracks.
final double? trackGap;