withAnimation method
Creates a copy of this snack bar but with the animation replaced with the given animation.
If the original snack bar lacks a key, the newly created snack bar will use the given fallback key.
SnackBar withAnimation(Animation<double> newAnimation, {Key? fallbackKey}) {
return SnackBar(
key: key ?? fallbackKey,
content: content,
backgroundColor: backgroundColor,
elevation: elevation,
margin: margin,
padding: padding,
width: width,
shape: shape,
hitTestBehavior: hitTestBehavior,
behavior: behavior,
action: action,
actionOverflowThreshold: actionOverflowThreshold,
showCloseIcon: showCloseIcon,
closeIconColor: closeIconColor,
duration: duration,
animation: newAnimation,
onVisible: onVisible,
dismissDirection: dismissDirection,
clipBehavior: clipBehavior,