Clock class

A provider for the "current time" and points relative to the current time.

This class is designed with testability in mind. The current point in time (or now()) is defined by a function that returns a DateTime. By supplying your own time function or using Clock.fixed, you can control exactly what time a Clock returns and base your test expectations on that.

Most users should use the top-level clock field, which provides access to a default implementation of Clock which can be overridden using withClock.


Clock([DateTime currentTime() = systemTime])
Creates a clock based on the given currentTime, or on the system clock by default.
Clock.fixed(DateTime time)
Creates Clock that always considers the current time to be time.


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


ago({int days = 0, int hours = 0, int minutes = 0, int seconds = 0, int milliseconds = 0, int microseconds = 0}) DateTime
Returns the point in time that's given amount of time ago.
agoBy(Duration duration) DateTime
Returns the point in time Duration amount of time ago.
daysAgo(int days) DateTime
Return the point in time days ago.
daysFromNow(int days) DateTime
Return the point in time days from now.
fromNow({int days = 0, int hours = 0, int minutes = 0, int seconds = 0, int milliseconds = 0, int microseconds = 0}) DateTime
Returns the point in time that's given amount of time from now.
fromNowBy(Duration duration) DateTime
Returns the point in time Duration amount of time from now.
getStopwatch() Stopwatch
Returns a new stopwatch that uses the current time as reported by this.
hoursAgo(int hours) DateTime
Return the point in time hours ago.
hoursFromNow(int hours) DateTime
Return the point in time hours from now.
microsAgo(int microseconds) DateTime
Return the point in time microseconds ago.
microsFromNow(int microseconds) DateTime
Return the point in time microseconds from now.
millisAgo(int milliseconds) DateTime
Return the point in time milliseconds ago.
millisFromNow(int milliseconds) DateTime
Return the point in time milliseconds from now.
minutesAgo(int minutes) DateTime
Return the point in time minutes ago.
minutesFromNow(int minutes) DateTime
Return the point in time minutes from now.
monthsAgo(int months) DateTime
Return the point in time months ago on the same date.
monthsFromNow(int months) DateTime
Return the point in time months from now on the same date.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
now() DateTime
Returns current time.
secondsAgo(int seconds) DateTime
Return the point in time seconds ago.
secondsFromNow(int seconds) DateTime
Return the point in time seconds from now.
stopwatch() Stopwatch
Returns a new stopwatch that uses the current time as reported by this.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
weeksAgo(int weeks) DateTime
Return the point in time weeks ago.
weeksFromNow(int weeks) DateTime
Return the point in time weeks from now.
yearsAgo(int years) DateTime
Return the point in time years ago on the same date.
yearsFromNow(int years) DateTime
Return the point in time years from now on the same date.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.