flushTimers method
Elapses time until there are no more active timers.
If flushPeriodicTimers
is true
(the default), this will repeatedly run
periodic timers until they're explicitly canceled. Otherwise, this will
stop when the only active timers are periodic.
The timeout
controls how much fake time may elapse before a StateError
is thrown. This ensures that a periodic timer doesn't cause this method to
deadlock. It defaults to one hour.
void flushTimers(
{Duration timeout = const Duration(hours: 1),
bool flushPeriodicTimers = true}) {
final absoluteTimeout = _elapsed + timeout;
_fireTimersWhile((timer) {
if (timer._nextCall > absoluteTimeout) {
// TODO(nweiz): Make this a [TimeoutException].
throw StateError('Exceeded timeout $timeout while flushing timers');
if (flushPeriodicTimers) return _timers.isNotEmpty;
// Continue firing timers until the only ones left are periodic *and*
// every periodic timer has had a change to run against the final
// value of [_elapsed].
return _timers
.any((timer) => !timer.isPeriodic || timer._nextCall <= _elapsed);