ScreenshotCallback typedef

ScreenshotCallback = Future<bool> Function(String name, List<int> image, [Map<String, Object?>? args])

A callback to use with integrationDriver.

The callback receives the name of screenshot passed to binding.takeScreenshot(<name>), a PNG byte buffer representing the screenshot, and an optional Map of arguments.

The callback returns true if the test passes or false otherwise.

You can use this callback to store the bytes locally in a file or upload them to a service that compares the image against a gold or baseline version.

The optional Map of arguments can be passed from the binding.takeScreenshot(<name>, <args>) callsite in the integration test, and then the arguments can be used in the onScreenshot handler that is defined by the Flutter driver. This Map should only contain values that can be serialized to JSON.

Since the function is executed on the host driving the test, you can access any environment variable from it.


typedef ScreenshotCallback =
    Future<bool> Function(String name, List<int> image, [Map<String, Object?>? args]);