position property

int get position

The current position of the scanner in the string, in characters.


int get position => _position;
  1. @override
set position (int newPosition)


set position(int newPosition) {
  if (newPosition == position) {

  final oldPosition = position;
  super.position = newPosition;

  if (newPosition == 0) {
    _line = 0;
    _column = 0;
  } else if (newPosition > oldPosition) {
    final newlines = _newlinesIn(string.substring(oldPosition, newPosition),
        endPosition: newPosition);
    _line += newlines.length;
    if (newlines.isEmpty) {
      _column += newPosition - oldPosition;
    } else {
      // The regex got a substring, so we need to account for where it started
      // in the string.
      final offsetOfLastNewline = oldPosition + newlines.last.end;
      _column = newPosition - offsetOfLastNewline;
  } else if (newPosition < oldPosition) {
    final newlines = _newlinesIn(string.substring(newPosition, oldPosition),
        endPosition: oldPosition);

    _line -= newlines.length;
    if (newlines.isEmpty) {
      _column -= oldPosition - newPosition;
    } else {
      // To compute the new column, we need to locate the last newline before
      // the new position. When searching, we must exclude the CR if we're
      // between a CRLF because it's not considered a newline.
      final crOffset = _betweenCRLF ? -1 : 0;
      // Additionally, if we use newPosition as the end of the search and the
      // character at that position itself (the next character) is a newline
      // we should not use it, so also offset to account for that.
      const currentCharOffset = -1;
      final lastNewline = string.lastIndexOf(
          _newlineRegExp, newPosition + currentCharOffset + crOffset);

      // Now we need to know the offset after the newline. This is the index
      // above plus the length of the newline (eg. if we found `\r\n`) we need
      // to add two. However if no newline was found, that index is 0.
      final offsetAfterLastNewline = lastNewline == -1
          ? 0
          : string[lastNewline] == '\r' && string[lastNewline + 1] == '\n'
              ? lastNewline + 2
              : lastNewline + 1;

      _column = newPosition - offsetAfterLastNewline;