getOuterPath method
Creates a Path that describes the outline of the shape.
The host
is the bounding rectangle of the shape.
The guest
is the bounding rectangle of the shape for which a notch will
be made. It is null when there is no guest.
Path getOuterPath(Rect hostRect, Rect? guestRect) {
// ignore: avoid_renaming_method_parameters
// The parameters of this method are renamed over the baseclass because they
// would clash with properties of this object, and the use of all four of
// them in the code below is really confusing if they have the same names.
final Path hostPath = host.getOuterPath(hostRect);
if (guest != null && guestRect != null) {
final Path guestPath = guest!.getOuterPath(guestRect);
return Path.combine(PathOperation.difference, hostPath, guestPath);
return hostPath;