toPaint method

  1. @override
Paint toPaint()

Create the Paint object that corresponds to this shadow description.

The offset and spreadRadius are not represented in the Paint object. To honor those as well, the shape should be inflated by spreadRadius pixels in every direction and then translated by offset before being filled using this Paint.

The blurStyle is ignored if debugDisableShadows is true. This causes an especially significant change to the rendering when BlurStyle.outer is used; the caller is responsible for adjusting for that case if necessary. (This only matters when using debugDisableShadows, e.g. in tests that use matchesGoldenFile.)


Paint toPaint() {
  final Paint result =
        ..color = color
        ..maskFilter = MaskFilter.blur(blurStyle, blurSigma);
  assert(() {
    if (debugDisableShadows) {
      result.maskFilter = null;
    return true;
  return result;