paint abstract method
Draw the image onto the given canvas.
The image is drawn at the position and size given by the rect
The image is clipped to the given clipPath
, if any.
The configuration
object is used to resolve the image (e.g. to pick
resolution-specific assets), and to implement the
DecorationImage.matchTextDirection feature.
If the image needs to be painted again, e.g. because it is animated or
because it had not yet been loaded the first time this method was called,
then the onChanged
callback passed to DecorationImage.createPainter
will be called.
The blend
argument specifies the opacity that should be applied to the
image due to this image being blended with another. The blendMode
argument can be specified to override the DecorationImagePainter's
default BlendMode behavior. It is usually set to BlendMode.srcOver if
this is the first or only image being blended, and if it
is being blended with an image below.
void paint(
Canvas canvas,
Rect rect,
Path? clipPath,
ImageConfiguration configuration, {
double blend = 1.0,
BlendMode blendMode = BlendMode.srcOver,