HSLColor.fromColor constructor
- Color color
Creates an HSLColor from an RGB Color.
This constructor does not necessarily round-trip with toColor because of floating point imprecision.
factory HSLColor.fromColor(Color color) {
final double red = color.red / 0xFF;
final double green = color.green / 0xFF;
final double blue = color.blue / 0xFF;
final double max = math.max(red, math.max(green, blue));
final double min = math.min(red, math.min(green, blue));
final double delta = max - min;
final double alpha = color.alpha / 0xFF;
final double hue = _getHue(red, green, blue, max, delta);
final double lightness = (max + min) / 2.0;
// Saturation can exceed 1.0 with rounding errors, so clamp it.
final double saturation =
lightness == 1.0
? 0.0
: clampDouble(delta / (1.0 - (2.0 * lightness - 1.0).abs()), 0.0, 1.0);
return HSLColor.fromAHSL(alpha, hue, saturation, lightness);