BoundedFrictionSimulation constructor

  1. double drag,
  2. double position,
  3. double velocity,
  4. double _minX,
  5. double _maxX,

Creates a BoundedFrictionSimulation with the given arguments, namely: the fluid drag coefficient cₓ, a unitless value; the initial position x₀, in the same length units as used for x; the initial velocity dx₀, in the same velocity units as used for dx, the minimum value for the position, and the maximum value for the position. The minimum and maximum values must be in the same units as the initial position, and the initial position must be within the given range.


BoundedFrictionSimulation(super.drag, super.position, super.velocity, this._minX, this._maxX)
  : assert(clampDouble(position, _minX, _maxX) == position);