ensureSemantics method
- @Deprecated('Call SemanticsBinding.ensureSemantics instead and optionally add a listener to PipelineOwner.semanticsOwner. ' 'This API is broken; it does not guarantee that semantics are actually produced. ' 'This feature was deprecated after v3.22.0-23.0.pre.')
- VoidCallback? listener,
Call SemanticsBinding.ensureSemantics instead and optionally add a listener to PipelineOwner.semanticsOwner. This API is broken as calling it does not guarantee that semantics are produced.
'Call SemanticsBinding.ensureSemantics instead and optionally add a listener to PipelineOwner.semanticsOwner. '
'This API is broken; it does not guarantee that semantics are actually produced. '
'This feature was deprecated after v3.22.0-23.0.pre.',
SemanticsHandle ensureSemantics({VoidCallback? listener}) {
_outstandingSemanticsHandles += 1;
return _LocalSemanticsHandle._(this, listener);