spacing property
How much space to place between children in the main axis.
The spacing is only applied between children in the main axis.
If the spacing is 10.0 and the mainAxisAlignment is MainAxisAlignment.start, then the first child will be placed at the start of the main axis, and the second child will be placed 10.0 pixels after the first child in the main axis, and so on. The spacing is not applied before the first child or after the last child.
If the spacing is 10.0 and the mainAxisAlignment is MainAxisAlignment.end, then the last child will be placed at the end of the main axis, and the second-to-last child will be placed 10.0 pixels before the last child in the main axis, and so on. The spacing is not applied before the first child or after the last child.
If the spacing is 10.0 and the mainAxisAlignment is, then the children will be placed in the center of the main axis with 10.0 pixels of space between the children. The spacing is not applied before the first child or after the last child.
If the spacing is 10.0 and the mainAxisAlignment is MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween, then there will be a minimum of 10.0 pixels of space between each child in the main axis. If the free space is 100.0 pixels between the two children, then the minimum space between the children will be 10.0 pixels and the remaining 90.0 pixels will be the free space between the children. The spacing is not applied before the first child or after the last child.
If the spacing is 10.0 and the mainAxisAlignment is MainAxisAlignment.spaceAround, then there will be a minimum of 10.0 pixels of space between each child in the main axis, and the remaining free space will be placed between the children as well as before the first child and after the last child. The spacing is not applied before the first child or after the last child.
If the spacing is 10.0 and the mainAxisAlignment is MainAxisAlignment.spaceEvenly, then there will be a minimum of 10.0 pixels of space between each child in the main axis, and the remaining free space will be evenly placed between the children as well as before the first child and after the last child. The spacing is not applied before the first child or after the last child.
When the spacing is non-zero, the layout size will be larger than the sum of the children's layout sizes in the main axis.
When the total children's layout sizes and total spacing between the children is greater than the maximum constraints in the main axis, then the children will overflow. For example, if there are two children and the maximum constraint is 100.0 pixels, the children's layout sizes are 50.0 pixels each, and the spacing is 10.0 pixels, then the children will overflow by 10.0 pixels.
Defaults to 0.0.
double get spacing => _spacing;
set spacing(double value) {
if (_spacing == value) {
_spacing = value;