clampOffset static method
- required RevealedOffset leadingEdgeOffset,
- required RevealedOffset trailingEdgeOffset,
- required double currentOffset,
Determines which provided leading or trailing edge of the viewport, as RevealedOffsets, will be used for RenderViewportBase.showInViewport accounting for the size and already visible portion of the RenderObject that is being revealed.
Also used by RenderTwoDimensionalViewport.showInViewport for each horizontal and vertical Axis.
If the target RenderObject is already fully visible, this will return null.
static RevealedOffset? clampOffset({
required RevealedOffset leadingEdgeOffset,
required RevealedOffset trailingEdgeOffset,
required double currentOffset,
}) {
// scrollOffset
// 0 +---------+
// | |
// _ | |
// viewport position | | |
// with `descendant` at | | | _
// trailing edge |_ | xxxxxxx | | viewport position
// | | | with `descendant` at
// | | _| leading edge
// | |
// 800 +---------+
// `trailingEdgeOffset`: Distance from scrollOffset 0 to the start of the
// viewport on the left in image above.
// `leadingEdgeOffset`: Distance from scrollOffset 0 to the start of the
// viewport on the right in image above.
// The viewport position on the left is achieved by setting `offset.pixels`
// to `trailingEdgeOffset`, the one on the right by setting it to
// `leadingEdgeOffset`.
final bool inverted = leadingEdgeOffset.offset < trailingEdgeOffset.offset;
final RevealedOffset smaller;
final RevealedOffset larger;
(smaller, larger) =
? (leadingEdgeOffset, trailingEdgeOffset)
: (trailingEdgeOffset, leadingEdgeOffset);
if (currentOffset > larger.offset) {
return larger;
} else if (currentOffset < smaller.offset) {
return smaller;
} else {
return null;