handleRawKeyMessage method

  1. @Deprecated('No longer supported. Use HardwareKeyboard.instance.addHandler instead. ' 'This feature was deprecated after v3.18.0-2.0.pre.')
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> handleRawKeyMessage(
  1. dynamic message

Handles a raw key message.

This method is the handler to SystemChannels.keyEvent, processing the JSON form of the native key message and returns the responds for the channel.

This handler is deprecated, and will be removed. Use HardwareKeyboard.addHandler instead.


  'No longer supported. Use HardwareKeyboard.instance.addHandler instead. '
  'This feature was deprecated after v3.18.0-2.0.pre.',
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> handleRawKeyMessage(dynamic message) async {
  if (_transitMode == null) {
    _transitMode = KeyDataTransitMode.rawKeyData;
    // Convert raw events using a listener so that conversion only occurs if
    // the raw event should be dispatched.
  final RawKeyEvent rawEvent = RawKeyEvent.fromMessage(message as Map<String, dynamic>);

  bool shouldDispatch = true;
  if (rawEvent is RawKeyDownEvent) {
    if (!rawEvent.data.shouldDispatchEvent()) {
      shouldDispatch = false;
    } else {
  } else if (rawEvent is RawKeyUpEvent) {
    if (_skippedRawKeysPressed.contains(rawEvent.physicalKey)) {
      shouldDispatch = false;

  bool handled = true;
  if (shouldDispatch) {
    // The following `handleRawKeyEvent` will call `_convertRawEventAndStore`
    // unless the event is not dispatched.
    handled = _rawKeyboard.handleRawKeyEvent(rawEvent);

    for (final KeyEvent event in _keyEventsSinceLastMessage) {
      handled = _hardwareKeyboard.handleKeyEvent(event) || handled;
    if (_transitMode == KeyDataTransitMode.rawKeyData) {
        setEquals(_rawKeyboard.physicalKeysPressed, _hardwareKeyboard.physicalKeysPressed),
        'RawKeyboard reported ${_rawKeyboard.physicalKeysPressed}, '
        'while HardwareKeyboard reported ${_hardwareKeyboard.physicalKeysPressed}',

    handled = _dispatchKeyMessage(_keyEventsSinceLastMessage, rawEvent) || handled;

  return <String, dynamic>{'handled': handled};