backGesture constant

MethodChannel const backGesture

A MethodChannel for handling predictive back gestures.

Currently, this feature is only available on Android U and above.

No outgoing methods are defined for this channel (invoked using OptionalMethodChannel.invokeMethod).

The following incoming methods are defined for this channel (registered using MethodChannel.setMethodCallHandler):

  • startBackGesture: The user has started a predictive back gesture.
  • updateBackGestureProgress: The user has continued dragging the predictive back gesture.
  • commitBackGesture: The user has finished a predictive back gesture, indicating that the current route should be popped.
  • cancelBackGesture: The user has canceled a predictive back gesture, indicating that no navigation should occur.


static const MethodChannel backGesture = OptionalMethodChannel('flutter/backgesture');