scribe constant
A MethodChannel for handling Android Scribe stylus handwriting input.
Android's Scribe feature allows writing directly on top of a text input using a stylus.
The following methods are defined for this channel:
: Indicates that stylus input has been detected and Android should start handwriting input.Scribe.isStylusHandwritingAvailable
: Returns a boolean representing whether or not the device currently supports accepting stylus handwriting input. Throws if the device's API level is not sufficient.Scribe.isFeatureAvailable
: Returns a boolean representing whether or not the device currently supports accepting stylus handwriting input. Returns false and does not throw if the device's API level is not sufficient.
See also:
- Scribe, which uese this channel.
- ScribbleClient, which implements the iOS version of this feature, Scribble.
-, which is the Android documentation explaining the Scribe feature.
static const MethodChannel scribe = OptionalMethodChannel('flutter/scribe', JSONMethodCodec());