insertItem method

void insertItem(
  1. int index, {
  2. Duration duration = _kDuration,

Insert an item at index and start an animation that will be passed to AnimatedGrid.itemBuilder or AnimatedList.itemBuilder when the item is visible.

If using AnimatedList.separated the animation will also be passed to separatorBuilder.

This method's semantics are the same as Dart's List.insert method: it increases the length of the list of items by one and shifts all items at or after index towards the end of the list of items.


void insertItem(int index, {Duration duration = _kDuration}) {
  if (widget.removedSeparatorBuilder == null) {
    _sliverAnimatedMultiBoxKey.currentState!.insertItem(index, duration: duration);
  } else {
    final int itemIndex = _computeItemIndex(index);
    _sliverAnimatedMultiBoxKey.currentState!.insertItem(itemIndex, duration: duration);
    if (_itemsCount > 1) {
      // Because `insertItem` moves the items after the index, we need to insert the separator
      // at the same index as the item. If there is only one item, we don't need to insert a separator.
      _sliverAnimatedMultiBoxKey.currentState!.insertItem(itemIndex, duration: duration);