debugIsHidingAncestorStateOfType<T extends State<StatefulWidget> > static method
- BuildContext context
Returns true if a LookupBoundary is hiding the nearest StatefulWidget
with a State of the specified type T
from the provided BuildContext.
This method throws when asserts are disabled.
static bool debugIsHidingAncestorStateOfType<T extends State>(BuildContext context) {
bool? result;
assert(() {
bool hiddenByBoundary = false;
bool ancestorFound = false;
context.visitAncestorElements((Element ancestor) {
if (ancestor is StatefulElement && ancestor.state is T) {
ancestorFound = true;
return false;
hiddenByBoundary = hiddenByBoundary || ancestor.widget.runtimeType == LookupBoundary;
return true;
result = ancestorFound & hiddenByBoundary;
return true;
return result!;