maybeAlwaysUse24HourFormatOf static method

bool? maybeAlwaysUse24HourFormatOf(
  1. BuildContext context

Returns MediaQueryData.alwaysUse24HourFormat for the nearest MediaQuery ancestor or null, if no such ancestor exists.

Use of this method will cause the given context to rebuild any time that the MediaQueryData.alwaysUse24HourFormat property of the ancestor MediaQuery changes.

Prefer using this function over getting the attribute directly from the MediaQueryData returned from maybeOf, because using this function will only rebuild the context when this specific attribute changes, not when any attribute changes.


static bool? maybeAlwaysUse24HourFormatOf(BuildContext context) =>
    _maybeOf(context, _MediaQueryAspect.alwaysUse24HourFormat)?.alwaysUse24HourFormat;