serialize static method
- PlatformMenuItem item,
- PlatformMenuDelegate delegate,
- MenuItemSerializableIdGenerator getId
Converts the given PlatformMenuItem into a data structure accepted by the 'flutter/menu' method channel method 'Menu.SetMenu'.
This API is supplied so that implementers of PlatformMenuItem can share this implementation.
static Map<String, Object?> serialize(
PlatformMenuItem item,
PlatformMenuDelegate delegate,
MenuItemSerializableIdGenerator getId,
) {
final MenuSerializableShortcut? shortcut = item.shortcut;
return <String, Object?>{
_kIdKey: getId(item),
_kLabelKey: item.label,
_kEnabledKey: item.onSelected != null || item.onSelectedIntent != null,
if (shortcut != null) ...shortcut.serializeForMenu().toChannelRepresentation(),