handleThumbPressStart method

  1. @protected
  2. @mustCallSuper
void handleThumbPressStart(
  1. Offset localPosition

Handler called when a long press gesture has started.

Begins the fade out animation and creates the thumb's DragScrollController.


void handleThumbPressStart(Offset localPosition) {
  final Axis? direction = getScrollbarDirection();
  if (direction == null) {

  assert(_thumbDrag == null);
  final ScrollPosition position = _cachedController!.position;
  final RenderBox renderBox =
      _scrollbarPainterKey.currentContext!.findRenderObject()! as RenderBox;
  final DragStartDetails details = DragStartDetails(
    localPosition: localPosition,
    globalPosition: renderBox.localToGlobal(localPosition),
  _thumbDrag = position.drag(details, _disposeThumbDrag);
  assert(_thumbDrag != null);
  assert(_thumbHold == null);

  _startDragScrollbarAxisOffset = localPosition;
  _lastDragUpdateOffset = localPosition;
  _startDragThumbOffset = scrollbarPainter.getThumbScrollOffset();