neglect static method

void neglect(
  1. BuildContext context,
  2. VoidCallback callback

Forces the Router to run the callback without creating a new history entry in the browser.

The web application relies on the Router to report new route information in order to create browser history entry. The Router will report them automatically if it detects the RouteInformation.uri changes.

Creating a new route history entry makes users feel they have visited a new page, and the browser back button brings them back to previous history entry. Use this method if you don't want the Router to create a new route information even if it detects changes as a result of running the callback.

Using this method will still update the URL and state in current history entry.

See also:

  • Router: see the "URL updates for web applications" section for more information about route information reporting.
  • navigate: which forces the Router to create a new history entry even if location does not change.


static void neglect(BuildContext context, VoidCallback callback) {
  final _RouterScope scope =
      context.getElementForInheritedWidgetOfExactType<_RouterScope>()!.widget as _RouterScope;