getSelectableButtonItems static method
- required SelectionGeometry selectionGeometry,
- required VoidCallback onCopy,
- required VoidCallback onSelectAll,
Returns the ContextMenuButtonItems representing the buttons in this platform's default selection menu.
For example, SelectableRegion uses this to generate the default buttons for its context menu.
See also:
- SelectableRegionState.contextMenuButtonItems, which gives the ContextMenuButtonItems for a specific SelectableRegion.
- EditableText.getEditableButtonItems, which performs a similar role but for content that is both selectable and editable.
- AdaptiveTextSelectionToolbar, which builds the toolbar itself, and can take a list of ContextMenuButtonItems with AdaptiveTextSelectionToolbar.buttonItems.
- AdaptiveTextSelectionToolbar.getAdaptiveButtons, which builds the button Widgets for the current platform given ContextMenuButtonItems.
static List<ContextMenuButtonItem> getSelectableButtonItems({
required final SelectionGeometry selectionGeometry,
required final VoidCallback onCopy,
required final VoidCallback onSelectAll,
required final VoidCallback? onShare,
}) {
final bool canCopy = selectionGeometry.status == SelectionStatus.uncollapsed;
final bool canSelectAll = selectionGeometry.hasContent;
final bool platformCanShare = switch (defaultTargetPlatform) { => selectionGeometry.status == SelectionStatus.uncollapsed,
TargetPlatform.macOS ||
TargetPlatform.fuchsia ||
TargetPlatform.linux || => false,
// TODO(bleroux): the share button should be shown on iOS but the share
// functionality requires some changes on the engine side because, on iPad,
// it needs an anchor for the popup.
// See:
TargetPlatform.iOS => false,
final bool canShare = onShare != null && platformCanShare;
// On Android, the share button is before the select all button.
final bool showShareBeforeSelectAll = defaultTargetPlatform ==;
// Determine which buttons will appear so that the order and total number is
// known. A button's position in the menu can slightly affect its
// appearance.
return <ContextMenuButtonItem>[
if (canCopy) ContextMenuButtonItem(onPressed: onCopy, type: ContextMenuButtonType.copy),
if (canShare && showShareBeforeSelectAll)
ContextMenuButtonItem(onPressed: onShare, type: ContextMenuButtonType.share),
if (canSelectAll)
ContextMenuButtonItem(onPressed: onSelectAll, type: ContextMenuButtonType.selectAll),
if (canShare && !showShareBeforeSelectAll)
ContextMenuButtonItem(onPressed: onShare, type: ContextMenuButtonType.share),