SliverVariedExtentList.list constructor

  1. Key? key,
  2. required List<Widget> children,
  3. required ItemExtentBuilder itemExtentBuilder,
  4. bool addAutomaticKeepAlives = true,
  5. bool addRepaintBoundaries = true,
  6. bool addSemanticIndexes = true,

A sliver that places multiple box children in a linear array along the main axis.

SliverVariedExtentList places its children in a linear array along the main axis starting at offset zero and without gaps. Each child is forced to have the returned extent of itemExtentBuilder in the main axis and the SliverConstraints.crossAxisExtent in the cross axis.

This constructor uses a list of Widgets to build the sliver.


  required List<Widget> children,
  required this.itemExtentBuilder,
  bool addAutomaticKeepAlives = true,
  bool addRepaintBoundaries = true,
  bool addSemanticIndexes = true,
}) : super(
       delegate: SliverChildListDelegate(
         addAutomaticKeepAlives: addAutomaticKeepAlives,
         addRepaintBoundaries: addRepaintBoundaries,
         addSemanticIndexes: addSemanticIndexes,