StaticSelectionContainerDelegate class

A delegate that manages updating multiple Selectable children where the Selectables do not change or move around frequently.

This delegate keeps track of the Selectables that received start or end SelectionEvents and the global locations of those events to accurately synthesize SelectionEvents for children Selectables when needed.

When a new SelectionEdgeUpdateEvent is dispatched to a Selectable, this delegate checks whether the Selectable has already received a selection update for each edge that currently exists, and synthesizes an event for the edges that have not yet received an update. This synthesized event is dispatched before dispatching the new event.

For example, if we have an existing start edge for this delegate and a Selectable child receives an end SelectionEdgeUpdateEvent and the child hasn't received a start SelectionEdgeUpdateEvent, we synthesize a start SelectionEdgeUpdateEvent for the child Selectable and dispatch it before dispatching the original end SelectionEdgeUpdateEvent.

See also:





compareOrder Comparator<Selectable>
The compare function this delegate used for determining the selection order of the selectables.
no setterinherited
containerSize Size
Gets the size of the SelectionContainer of this delegate.
no setterinherited
contentLength int
The total length of the content under this SelectionContainerDelegate.
no setterinherited
currentSelectionEndIndex int
The current Selectable that contains the selection end edge.
getter/setter pairinherited
currentSelectionStartIndex int
The current Selectable that contains the selection start edge.
getter/setter pairinherited
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
hasListeners bool
Whether any listeners are currently registered.
no setterinherited
hasSize bool
Whether the SelectionContainer has undergone layout and has a size.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
selectables List<Selectable>
Gets the list of Selectables this delegate is managing.
getter/setter pairinherited
value SelectionGeometry
The current value of the object. When the value changes, the callbacks registered with addListener will be invoked.
no setterinherited


add(Selectable selectable) → void
Adds the selectable into the registrar.
addListener(VoidCallback listener) → void
Register a closure to be called when the object changes.
clearInternalSelectionState() → void
Clears the internal selection state.
clearInternalSelectionStateForSelectable(Selectable selectable) → void
Clears the internal selection state for a given Selectable.
didChangeSelectables() → void
Called when this delegate finishes updating the Selectables.
didReceiveSelectionBoundaryEvents() → void
Updates the internal selection state after a SelectionEvent that selects a boundary such as: SelectWordSelectionEvent, SelectParagraphSelectionEvent, and SelectAllSelectionEvent.
didReceiveSelectionEventFor({required Selectable selectable, bool? forEnd}) → void
Tracks whether a selection edge update event for a given Selectable was received.
dispatchSelectionEvent(SelectionEvent event) SelectionResult
Handles the SelectionEvent sent to this object.
dispatchSelectionEventToChild(Selectable selectable, SelectionEvent event) SelectionResult
Dispatches a selection event to a specific Selectable.
dispose() → void
Discards any resources used by the object. After this is called, the object is not in a usable state and should be discarded (calls to addListener will throw after the object is disposed).
ensureChildUpdated(Selectable selectable) → void
Ensures the selectable child has received the most up to date selection events.
getSelectedContent() SelectedContent?
Copies the selected contents of all Selectables.
getSelection() SelectedContentRange?
Returns a SelectedContentRange considering the SelectedContentRange from each Selectable child managed under this delegate.
getSelectionGeometry() SelectionGeometry
Gets the combined SelectionGeometry for child Selectables.
getTransformFrom(Selectable child) Matrix4
Gets the paint transform from the Selectable child to SelectionContainer of this delegate.
getTransformTo(RenderObject? ancestor) Matrix4
Gets the paint transform from the SelectionContainer of this delegate to the ancestor.
handleClearSelection(ClearSelectionEvent event) SelectionResult
Removes the selection of all Selectables this delegate manages.
handleDirectionallyExtendSelection(DirectionallyExtendSelectionEvent event) SelectionResult
Extend current selection in a certain TextGranularity.
handleGranularlyExtendSelection(GranularlyExtendSelectionEvent event) SelectionResult
Extend current selection in a certain TextGranularity.
handleSelectAll(SelectAllSelectionEvent event) SelectionResult
Selects all contents of all Selectables.
handleSelectionEdgeUpdate(SelectionEdgeUpdateEvent event) SelectionResult
Updates the selection edges.
handleSelectParagraph(SelectParagraphSelectionEvent event) SelectionResult
Selects a paragraph in a Selectable at the location SelectParagraphSelectionEvent.globalPosition.
handleSelectWord(SelectWordSelectionEvent event) SelectionResult
Selects a word in a Selectable at the location SelectWordSelectionEvent.globalPosition.
layoutDidChange() → void
Notifies this delegate that layout of the container has changed.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
notifyListeners() → void
Call all the registered listeners.
pushHandleLayers(LayerLink? startHandle, LayerLink? endHandle) → void
Marks this handler to be responsible for pushing LeaderLayers for the selection handles.
remove(Selectable selectable) → void
Removes the selectable from the registrar.
removeListener(VoidCallback listener) → void
Remove a previously registered closure from the list of closures that are notified when the object changes.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
updateLastSelectionEdgeLocation({required Offset globalSelectionEdgeLocation, required bool forEnd}) → void
Updates the last selection edge location of the edge specified by forEnd to the provided globalSelectionEdgeLocation.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.