onSingleTapUp method
- TapDragUpDetails details
Handler for TextSelectionGestureDetector.onSingleTapUp.
By default, it selects word edge if selection is enabled.
See also:
- TextSelectionGestureDetector.onSingleTapUp, which triggers this callback.
void onSingleTapUp(TapDragUpDetails details) {
if (!delegate.selectionEnabled) {
// It is impossible to extend the selection when the shift key is pressed, if the
// renderEditable.selection is invalid.
final bool isShiftPressedValid =
_isShiftPressed && renderEditable.selection?.baseOffset != null;
switch (defaultTargetPlatform) {
case TargetPlatform.linux:
case TargetPlatform.macOS:
case TargetPlatform.windows:
// On desktop platforms the selection is set on tap down.
case TargetPlatform.android:
if (isShiftPressedValid) {
_extendSelection(details.globalPosition, SelectionChangedCause.tap);
renderEditable.selectPosition(cause: SelectionChangedCause.tap);
case TargetPlatform.fuchsia:
if (isShiftPressedValid) {
_extendSelection(details.globalPosition, SelectionChangedCause.tap);
renderEditable.selectPosition(cause: SelectionChangedCause.tap);
case TargetPlatform.iOS:
if (isShiftPressedValid) {
// On iOS, a shift-tapped unfocused field expands from 0, not from
// the previous selection.
final TextSelection? fromSelection =
renderEditable.hasFocus ? null : const TextSelection.collapsed(offset: 0);
_expandSelection(details.globalPosition, SelectionChangedCause.tap, fromSelection);
switch (details.kind) {
case PointerDeviceKind.mouse:
case PointerDeviceKind.trackpad:
case PointerDeviceKind.stylus:
case PointerDeviceKind.invertedStylus:
// TODO(camsim99): Determine spell check toolbar behavior in these cases:
// https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/119573.
// Precise devices should place the cursor at a precise position if the
// word at the text position is not misspelled.
renderEditable.selectPosition(cause: SelectionChangedCause.tap);
case PointerDeviceKind.touch:
case PointerDeviceKind.unknown:
// If the word that was tapped is misspelled, select the word and show the spell check suggestions
// toolbar once. If additional taps are made on a misspelled word, toggle the toolbar. If the word
// is not misspelled, default to the following behavior:
// Toggle the toolbar when the tap is exclusively within the bounds of a non-collapsed `previousSelection`,
// and the editable is focused.
// Toggle the toolbar if the `previousSelection` is collapsed, the tap is on the selection, the
// TextAffinity remains the same, the editable field is not read only, and the editable is focused.
// The TextAffinity is important when the cursor is on the boundary of a line wrap, if the affinity
// is different (i.e. it is downstream), the selection should move to the following line and not toggle
// the toolbar.
// Selects the word edge closest to the tap when the editable is not focused, or if the tap was neither exclusively
// or inclusively on `previousSelection`. If the selection remains the same after selecting the word edge, then we
// toggle the toolbar, if the editable field is not read only. If the selection changes then we hide the toolbar.
final TextSelection previousSelection =
renderEditable.selection ?? editableText.textEditingValue.selection;
final TextPosition textPosition = renderEditable.getPositionForPoint(
final bool isAffinityTheSame = textPosition.affinity == previousSelection.affinity;
final bool wordAtCursorIndexIsMisspelled =
editableText.findSuggestionSpanAtCursorIndex(textPosition.offset) != null;
if (wordAtCursorIndexIsMisspelled) {
renderEditable.selectWord(cause: SelectionChangedCause.tap);
if (previousSelection != editableText.textEditingValue.selection) {
} else {
} else if (((_positionWasOnSelectionExclusive(textPosition) &&
!previousSelection.isCollapsed) ||
(_positionWasOnSelectionInclusive(textPosition) &&
previousSelection.isCollapsed &&
isAffinityTheSame &&
!renderEditable.readOnly)) &&
renderEditable.hasFocus) {
} else {
renderEditable.selectWordEdge(cause: SelectionChangedCause.tap);
if (previousSelection == editableText.textEditingValue.selection &&
renderEditable.hasFocus &&
!renderEditable.readOnly) {
} else {