Interface ScribeChannel.ScribeMethodHandler

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public static interface ScribeChannel.ScribeMethodHandler
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Responds to the result with success and a boolean indicating whether or not stylus handwriting is available.
    Responds to the result with success and a boolean indicating whether or not stylus handwriting is available.
    Requests to start Scribe stylus handwriting, which will respond to the result with either success if handwriting input has started or error otherwise.
  • Method Details

    • isFeatureAvailable

      boolean isFeatureAvailable()
      Responds to the result with success and a boolean indicating whether or not stylus handwriting is available.
    • isStylusHandwritingAvailable

      @RequiresApi(34) boolean isStylusHandwritingAvailable()
      Responds to the result with success and a boolean indicating whether or not stylus handwriting is available.
    • startStylusHandwriting

      @RequiresApi(33) void startStylusHandwriting()
      Requests to start Scribe stylus handwriting, which will respond to the result with either success if handwriting input has started or error otherwise.