Interface BinaryMessenger

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface BinaryMessenger
Facility for communicating with Flutter using asynchronous message passing with binary messages. The Flutter Dart code should use BinaryMessages to participate.

BinaryMessenger is expected to be utilized from a single thread throughout the duration of its existence. If created on the main thread, then all invocations should take place on the main thread. If created on a background thread, then all invocations should take place on that background thread.

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • makeBackgroundTaskQueue

      @UiThread default BinaryMessenger.TaskQueue makeBackgroundTaskQueue()
      Creates a TaskQueue that executes the tasks serially on a background thread.

      There is no guarantee that the tasks will execute on the same thread, just that execution is serial. This is could be problematic if your code relies on ThreadLocal storage or introspection about what thread is actually executing.

    • makeBackgroundTaskQueue

      @UiThread default BinaryMessenger.TaskQueue makeBackgroundTaskQueue(BinaryMessenger.TaskQueueOptions options)
      Creates a TaskQueue that executes the tasks serially on a background thread.

      BinaryMessenger.TaskQueueOptions can be used to configure the task queue to execute tasks concurrently. Doing so can be more performant, though users need to ensure that the task handlers are thread-safe.

    • send

      @UiThread void send(@NonNull String channel, @Nullable ByteBuffer message)
      Sends a binary message to the Flutter application.
      channel - the name String of the logical channel used for the message.
      message - the message payload, a direct-allocated ByteBuffer with the message bytes between position zero and current position, or null.
    • send

      @UiThread void send(@NonNull String channel, @Nullable ByteBuffer message, @Nullable BinaryMessenger.BinaryReply callback)
      Sends a binary message to the Flutter application, optionally expecting a reply.

      Any uncaught exception thrown by the reply callback will be caught and logged.

      channel - the name String of the logical channel used for the message.
      message - the message payload, a direct-allocated ByteBuffer with the message bytes between position zero and current position, or null.
      callback - a BinaryMessenger.BinaryReply callback invoked when the Flutter application responds to the message, possibly null.
    • setMessageHandler

      @UiThread void setMessageHandler(@NonNull String channel, @Nullable BinaryMessenger.BinaryMessageHandler handler)
      Registers a handler to be invoked when the Flutter application sends a message to its host platform.

      Registration overwrites any previous registration for the same channel name. Use a null handler to deregister.

      If no handler has been registered for a particular channel, any incoming message on that channel will be handled silently by sending a null reply.

      channel - the name String of the channel.
      handler - a BinaryMessenger.BinaryMessageHandler to be invoked on incoming messages, or null.
    • setMessageHandler

      @UiThread default void setMessageHandler(@NonNull String channel, @Nullable BinaryMessenger.BinaryMessageHandler handler, @Nullable BinaryMessenger.TaskQueue taskQueue)
      Registers a handler to be invoked when the Flutter application sends a message to its host platform.

      Registration overwrites any previous registration for the same channel name. Use a null handler to deregister.

      If no handler has been registered for a particular channel, any incoming message on that channel will be handled silently by sending a null reply.

      channel - the name String of the channel.
      handler - a BinaryMessenger.BinaryMessageHandler to be invoked on incoming messages, or null.
      taskQueue - a BinaryMessenger.TaskQueue that specifies what thread will execute the handler. Specifying null means execute on the platform thread.
    • enableBufferingIncomingMessages

      default void enableBufferingIncomingMessages()
      Enables the ability to queue messages received from Dart.

      This is useful when there are pending channel handler registrations. For example, Dart may be initialized concurrently, and prior to the registration of the channel handlers. This implies that Dart may start sending messages while plugins are being registered.

    • disableBufferingIncomingMessages

      default void disableBufferingIncomingMessages()
      Disables the ability to queue messages received from Dart.

      This can be used after all pending channel handlers have been registered.