services library
Platform services exposed to Flutter apps.
To use, import package:flutter/services.dart
This library depends only on core Dart libraries and the foundation
- AndroidMotionEvent
- A Dart version of Android's MotionEvent.
- AndroidPointerCoords
- Position information for an Android pointer.
- AndroidPointerProperties
- Properties of an Android pointer.
- AndroidViewController
- Controls an Android view that is composed using a GL texture.
- AppKitViewController
- Controller for a macOS platform view.
- ApplicationSwitcherDescription
- Specifies a description of the application that is pertinent to the embedder's application switcher (also known as "recent tasks") user interface.
- AssetBundle
- A collection of resources used by the application.
- AssetManifest
- Contains details about available assets and their variants. See Resolution-aware image assets to learn about asset variants and how to declare them.
- AssetMetadata
- Contains information about an asset.
- AutofillClient
- An object that represents an autofillable input field in the autofill workflow.
- AutofillConfiguration
- A collection of autofill related information that represents an AutofillClient.
- AutofillHints
- A collection of commonly used autofill hint strings on different platforms.
- AutofillScope
- An ordered group within which AutofillClients are logically connected.
- BackgroundIsolateBinaryMessenger
- A BinaryMessenger for use on background (non-root) isolates.
T> - A named channel for communicating with platform plugins using asynchronous message passing.
- BinaryCodec
- MessageCodec with unencoded binary messages represented using ByteData.
- BinaryMessenger
- A messenger which sends binary data across the Flutter platform barrier.
- BrowserContextMenu
- Controls the browser's context menu on the web platform.
- ByteData
- A fixed-length, random-access sequence of bytes that also provides random and unaligned access to the fixed-width integers and floating point numbers represented by those bytes.
- CachingAssetBundle
- An AssetBundle that permanently caches string and structured resources that have been fetched.
- ChannelBuffers
- The buffering and dispatch mechanism for messages sent by plugins on the engine side to their corresponding plugin code on the framework side.
- CharacterBoundary
A TextBoundary subclass for retrieving the range of the grapheme the given
is in. - Clipboard
- Utility methods for interacting with the system's clipboard.
- ClipboardData
- Data stored on the system clipboard.
- Color
- An immutable color value in ARGB format.
- DarwinPlatformViewController
- Base class for iOS and macOS view controllers.
- DefaultProcessTextService
- The service used by default for the text processing feature.
- DefaultSpellCheckService
- The service used by default to fetch spell check results for text input.
- DeferredComponent
- Manages the installation and loading of deferred components.
- DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder
- Builder to accumulate properties and configuration used to assemble a DiagnosticsNode from a Diagnosticable object.
- DocumentBoundary
- A text boundary that uses the entire document as logical boundary.
- EventChannel
- A named channel for communicating with platform plugins using event streams.
- ExpensiveAndroidViewController
- Controls an Android view that is composed using the Android view hierarchy. This controller is created from the PlatformViewsService.initExpensiveAndroidView factory.
- FilteringTextInputFormatter
- A TextInputFormatter that prevents the insertion of characters matching (or not matching) a particular pattern, by replacing the characters with the given replacementString.
- FontLoader
- A class that enables the dynamic loading of fonts at runtime.
- FontWeight
- The thickness of the glyphs used to draw the text.
- GLFWKeyHelper
- Helper class that uses GLFW-specific key mappings.
- GtkKeyHelper
- Helper class that uses GTK-specific key mappings.
- HapticFeedback
- Allows access to the haptic feedback interface on the device.
- HardwareKeyboard
- Manages key events from hardware keyboards.
- ImmutableBuffer
- A handle to a read-only byte buffer that is managed by the engine.
- JSONMessageCodec
- MessageCodec with UTF-8 encoded JSON messages.
- JSONMethodCodec
- MethodCodec with UTF-8 encoded JSON method calls and result envelopes.
- KeyboardInsertedContent
- A class representing rich content (such as a PNG image) inserted via the system input method.
- KeyboardKey
- A base class for all keyboard key types.
- KeyData
- Information about a key event.
- KeyDownEvent
- An event indicating that the user has pressed a key down on the keyboard.
- KeyEvent
- Defines the interface for keyboard key events.
- KeyEventManager
- A singleton class that processes key messages from the platform and dispatches converted messages accordingly.
- KeyHelper
- Abstract class for window-specific key mappings.
- KeyMessage
- The assembled information converted from a native key message.
- KeyRepeatEvent
- An event indicating that the user has been holding a key on the keyboard and causing repeated events.
- KeyUpEvent
- An event indicating that the user has released a key on the keyboard.
- LengthLimitingTextInputFormatter
- A TextInputFormatter that prevents the insertion of more characters than allowed.
- LineBoundary
A TextBoundary subclass for locating closest line breaks to a given
. - LiveText
- Utility methods for interacting with the system's Live Text.
- LogicalKeyboardKey
- A class with static values that describe the keys that are returned from RawKeyEvent.logicalKey.
- Matrix4
- 4D Matrix. Values are stored in column major order.
T> - A message encoding/decoding mechanism.
- MethodCall
- A command object representing the invocation of a named method.
- MethodChannel
- A named channel for communicating with platform plugins using asynchronous method calls.
- MethodCodec
- A codec for method calls and enveloped results.
- MouseCursor
- An interface for mouse cursor definitions.
- MouseCursorManager
- Maintains the state of mouse cursors and manages how cursors are searched for.
- MouseCursorSession
- Manages the duration that a pointing device should display a specific mouse cursor.
- MouseTrackerAnnotation
- The annotation object used to annotate regions that are interested in mouse movements.
- NetworkAssetBundle
- An AssetBundle that loads resources over the network.
- Offset
- An immutable 2D floating-point offset.
- OptionalMethodChannel
- A MethodChannel that ignores missing platform plugins.
- ParagraphBoundary
- A text boundary that uses paragraphs as logical boundaries.
- PhysicalKeyboardKey
- A class with static values that describe the keys that are returned from RawKeyEvent.physicalKey.
- PlatformAssetBundle
- An AssetBundle that loads resources using platform messages.
- PlatformViewController
- An interface for controlling a single platform view.
- PlatformViewsRegistry
- A registry responsible for generating unique identifier for platform views.
- PlatformViewsService
- Provides access to the platform views service.
- PointerEnterEvent
- The pointer has moved with respect to the device while the pointer is or is not in contact with the device, and it has entered a target object.
- PointerEvent
- Base class for touch, stylus, or mouse events.
- PointerExitEvent
- The pointer has moved with respect to the device while the pointer is or is not in contact with the device, and exited a target object.
- PointerHoverEvent
- The pointer has moved with respect to the device while the pointer is not in contact with the device.
- PredictiveBackEvent
- Object used to report back gesture progress in Android.
- ProcessTextAction
- A data structure describing text processing actions.
- ProcessTextService
- Determines how to interact with the text processing feature.
- RawFloatingCursorPoint
- The current state and position of the floating cursor.
- RawKeyboard
- An interface for listening to raw key events.
- RawKeyDownEvent
- The user has pressed a key on the keyboard.
- RawKeyEvent
- Defines the interface for raw key events.
- RawKeyEventData
- Base class for platform-specific key event data.
- RawKeyEventDataAndroid
- Platform-specific key event data for Android.
- RawKeyEventDataFuchsia
- Platform-specific key event data for Fuchsia.
- RawKeyEventDataIos
- Platform-specific key event data for iOS.
- RawKeyEventDataLinux
- Platform-specific key event data for Linux.
- RawKeyEventDataMacOs
- Platform-specific key event data for macOS.
- RawKeyEventDataWeb
- Platform-specific key event data for Web.
- RawKeyEventDataWindows
- Platform-specific key event data for Windows.
- RawKeyUpEvent
- The user has released a key on the keyboard.
- ReadBuffer
- Read-only buffer for reading sequentially from a ByteData instance.
- Rect
- An immutable, 2D, axis-aligned, floating-point rectangle whose coordinates are relative to a given origin.
- RestorationBucket
- A RestorationBucket holds pieces of the restoration data that a part of the application needs to restore its state.
- RestorationManager
- Manages the restoration data in the framework and synchronizes it with the engine.
- RootIsolateToken
- A token that represents a root isolate.
- ScribbleClient
- An interface into iOS's stylus handwriting text input.
- Scribe
- An interface into Android's stylus handwriting text input.
- SelectionRect
- Represents a selection rect for a character and it's position in the text.
- Size
- Holds a 2D floating-point size.
- SpellCheckResults
- A data structure grouping together the SuggestionSpans and related text of results returned by a spell checker.
- SpellCheckService
- Determines how spell check results are received for text input.
- StandardMessageCodec
- MessageCodec using the Flutter standard binary encoding.
- StandardMethodCodec
- MethodCodec using the Flutter standard binary encoding.
- StringCodec
- MessageCodec with UTF-8 encoded String messages.
- SuggestionSpan
- A data structure representing a range of misspelled text and the suggested replacements for this range.
- SurfaceAndroidViewController
- Controls an Android view that is composed using a GL texture. This controller is created from the PlatformViewsService.initSurfaceAndroidView factory, and is defined for backward compatibility.
- SystemChannels
- Platform channels used by the Flutter system.
- SystemChrome
- Controls specific aspects of the operating system's graphical interface and how it interacts with the application.
- SystemContextMenuController
- Allows access to the system context menu.
- SystemMouseCursor
- A mouse cursor that is natively supported on the platform that the application is running on.
- SystemMouseCursors
- A collection of system MouseCursors.
- Controls specific aspects of the system navigation stack.
- SystemSound
- Provides access to the library of short system specific sounds for common tasks.
- SystemUiOverlayStyle
- Specifies a preference for the style of the system overlays.
- TextBoundary
- An interface for retrieving the logical text boundary (as opposed to the visual boundary) at a given code unit offset in a document.
- TextEditingDelta
- A structure representing a granular change that has occurred to the editing state as a result of text editing.
- TextEditingDeltaDeletion
- A structure representing the deletion of a single/or contiguous sequence of characters in an editing state.
- TextEditingDeltaInsertion
- A structure representing an insertion of a single/or contiguous sequence of characters at some offset of an editing state.
- TextEditingDeltaNonTextUpdate
- A structure representing changes to the selection and/or composing regions of an editing state and no changes to the text value.
- TextEditingDeltaReplacement
- A structure representing a replacement of a range of characters with a new sequence of text.
- TextEditingValue
- The current text, selection, and composing state for editing a run of text.
- TextInput
- An low-level interface to the system's text input control.
- TextInputConfiguration
- Controls the visual appearance of the text input control.
- TextInputConnection
- An interface for interacting with a text input control.
- TextInputFormatter
- A TextInputFormatter can be optionally injected into an EditableText to provide as-you-type validation and formatting of the text being edited.
- TextInputType
- The type of information for which to optimize the text input control.
- TextLayoutMetrics
- A read-only interface for accessing visual information about the implementing text.
- TextPosition
- A position in a string of text.
- TextRange
- A range of characters in a string of text.
- TextSelection
- A range of text that represents a selection.
- TextureAndroidViewController
- Controls an Android view that is rendered as a texture. This is typically used by AndroidView to display a View in the Android view hierarchy.
- UiKitViewController
- Controller for an iOS platform view.
- Uint8List
- A fixed-length list of 8-bit unsigned integers.
- UndoManager
- A low-level interface to the system's undo manager.
- WriteBuffer
- Write-only buffer for incrementally building a ByteData instance.
- Brightness
- Describes the contrast of a theme or color palette.
- DeviceOrientation
- Specifies a particular device orientation.
- DiagnosticLevel
- The various priority levels used to filter which diagnostics are shown and omitted.
- FloatingCursorDragState
- The state of a "floating cursor" drag on an iOS soft keyboard.
- KeyboardLockMode
- Represents a lock mode of a keyboard, such as KeyboardLockMode.capsLock.
- KeyboardSide
- An enum describing the side of the keyboard that a key is on, to allow discrimination between which key is pressed (e.g. the left or right SHIFT key).
- KeyDataTransitMode
- The mode in which information of key messages is delivered.
- MaxLengthEnforcement
- Mechanisms for enforcing maximum length limits.
- ModifierKey
- An enum describing the type of modifier key that is being pressed.
- SelectionChangedCause
- Indicates what triggered the change in selected text (including changes to the cursor location).
- ServicesServiceExtensions
- Service extension constants for the services library.
- SmartDashesType
- Indicates how to handle the intelligent replacement of dashes in text input.
- SmartQuotesType
- Indicates how to handle the intelligent replacement of quotes in text input.
- SwipeEdge
- Enum representing the edge from which a swipe starts in a back gesture.
- SystemSoundType
- A sound provided by the system.
- SystemUiMode
- Describes different display configurations for both Android and iOS.
- SystemUiOverlay
- Specifies a system overlay at a particular location.
- TargetPlatform
- The platform that user interaction should adapt to target.
- TextAffinity
- A way to disambiguate a TextPosition when its offset could match two different locations in the rendered string.
- TextAlign
- Whether and how to align text horizontally.
- TextCapitalization
- Configures how the platform keyboard will select an uppercase or lowercase keyboard.
- TextDirection
- A direction in which text flows.
- TextInputAction
- An action the user has requested the text input control to perform.
- UndoDirection
- The direction in which an undo action should be performed, whether undo or redo.
- AutofillScopeMixin
- A partial implementation of AutofillScope.
- DeltaTextInputClient
- An interface to receive granular information from TextInput.
- ServicesBinding
- Listens for platform messages and directs them to the defaultBinaryMessenger.
- SystemContextMenuClient
- An interface to receive calls related to the system context menu from the engine.
- TextInputClient
- An interface to receive information from TextInput.
- TextInputControl
- An interface for implementing text input controls that receive text editing state changes and visual input control requests.
- TextSelectionDelegate
- A mixin for manipulating the selection, provided for toolbar or shortcut keys.
- UndoManagerClient
- An interface to receive events from a native UndoManager.
- appFlavor → const String?
- The flavor this app was built with.
→ const Map<
int, LogicalKeyboardKey> - A map of Android key codes which have printable representations, but appear on the number pad. Used to provide different key objects for keys like KEY_EQUALS and NUMPAD_EQUALS.
→ const Map<
int, LogicalKeyboardKey> - Maps Android-specific key codes to the matching LogicalKeyboardKey.
→ const Map<
int, PhysicalKeyboardKey> - Maps Android-specific scan codes to the matching PhysicalKeyboardKey.
→ const Map<
int, LogicalKeyboardKey> - Maps Fuchsia-specific IDs to the matching LogicalKeyboardKey.
→ const Map<
int, PhysicalKeyboardKey> - Maps Fuchsia-specific USB HID Usage IDs to the matching PhysicalKeyboardKey.
→ const Map<
int, LogicalKeyboardKey> - A map of GLFW key codes which have printable representations, but appear on the number pad. Used to provide different key objects for keys like KEY_EQUALS and NUMPAD_EQUALS.
→ const Map<
int, LogicalKeyboardKey> - Maps GLFW-specific key codes to the matching LogicalKeyboardKey.
→ const Map<
int, LogicalKeyboardKey> - A map of GTK key codes which have printable representations, but appear on the number pad. Used to provide different key objects for keys like KEY_EQUALS and NUMPAD_EQUALS.
→ const Map<
int, LogicalKeyboardKey> - Maps GTK-specific key codes to the matching LogicalKeyboardKey.
→ const Map<
int, LogicalKeyboardKey> - A map of iOS key codes which have printable representations, but appear on the number pad. Used to provide different key objects for keys like KEY_EQUALS and NUMPAD_EQUALS.
→ const Map<
String, LogicalKeyboardKey> - Maps iOS specific string values of nonvisible keys to logical keys
→ const Map<
int, LogicalKeyboardKey> - A map of iOS key codes presenting LogicalKeyboardKey.
→ const Map<
int, PhysicalKeyboardKey> - Maps iOS-specific key code values representing PhysicalKeyboardKey.
→ const Map<
int, PhysicalKeyboardKey> - Maps XKB specific key code values representing PhysicalKeyboardKey.
→ const Map<
int, LogicalKeyboardKey> - A map of macOS key codes which are numbered function keys, so that they can be excluded when asking "is the Fn modifier down?".
→ const Map<
int, LogicalKeyboardKey> - A map of macOS key codes which have printable representations, but appear on the number pad. Used to provide different key objects for keys like KEY_EQUALS and NUMPAD_EQUALS.
→ const Map<
int, LogicalKeyboardKey> - A map of macOS key codes presenting LogicalKeyboardKey.
→ const Map<
int, PhysicalKeyboardKey> - Maps macOS-specific key code values representing PhysicalKeyboardKey.
- kProfilePlatformChannels → const bool
- Controls whether platform channel usage can be debugged in release mode.
→ const Map<
String, List< LogicalKeyboardKey?> > - A map of Web KeyboardEvent keys which needs to be decided based on location, typically for numpad keys and modifier keys. Used to provide different key objects for keys like KEY_EQUALS and NUMPAD_EQUALS.
→ const Map<
String, LogicalKeyboardKey> - A map of Web KeyboardEvent codes which have printable representations, but appear on the number pad. Used to provide different key objects for keys like KEY_EQUALS and NUMPAD_EQUALS.
→ const Map<
String, LogicalKeyboardKey> - Maps Web KeyboardEvent codes to the matching LogicalKeyboardKey.
→ const Map<
String, PhysicalKeyboardKey> - Maps Web KeyboardEvent codes to the matching PhysicalKeyboardKey.
→ const Map<
int, LogicalKeyboardKey> - A map of Windows KeyboardEvent codes which have printable representations, but appear on the number pad. Used to provide different key objects for keys like KEY_EQUALS and NUMPAD_EQUALS.
→ const Map<
int, LogicalKeyboardKey> - Maps Windows KeyboardEvent codes to the matching LogicalKeyboardKey.
→ const Map<
int, PhysicalKeyboardKey> - Maps Windows KeyboardEvent codes to the matching PhysicalKeyboardKey.
- debugKeyEventSimulatorTransitModeOverride ↔ KeyDataTransitMode?
Override the transit mode with which key events are simulated.
getter/setter pair
- debugPrintKeyboardEvents ↔ bool
Setting to true will cause extensive logging to occur when key events are
getter/setter pair
- debugProfilePlatformChannels ↔ bool
Controls whether platform channel usage can be debugged in non-release mode.
getter/setter pair
- platformViewsRegistry → PlatformViewsRegistry
The PlatformViewsRegistry responsible for generating unique identifiers for platform views.
- rootBundle → AssetBundle
The AssetBundle from which this application was loaded.
- shouldProfilePlatformChannels → bool
Profile and print statistics on Platform Channel usage.
no setter
String reason) → bool - Returns true if none of the widget library debug variables have been changed.
Object? object) → bool -
Returns true when the provided
is serializable for state restoration. -
int rune) → int - Convert a UTF32 rune to its lower case.
- KeyEventCallback = bool Function(KeyEvent event)
- The signature for HardwareKeyboard.addHandler, a callback to decide whether the entire framework handles a key event.
- KeyMessageHandler = bool Function(KeyMessage message)
- The signature for KeyEventManager.keyMessageHandler.
= Future<
ByteData?> ? Function(ByteData? message) - A function which takes a platform message and asynchronously returns an encoded response.
- PlatformMessageResponseCallback = void Function(ByteData? data)
- Signature for responses to platform messages.
- PlatformViewCreatedCallback = void Function(int id)
- Callback signature for when a platform view was created.
- PointerEnterEventListener = void Function(PointerEnterEvent event)
- Signature for listening to PointerEnterEvent events.
- PointerExitEventListener = void Function(PointerExitEvent event)
- Signature for listening to PointerExitEvent events.
- PointerHoverEventListener = void Function(PointerHoverEvent event)
- Signature for listening to PointerHoverEvent events.
- PointTransformer = Offset Function(Offset position)
- Converts a given point from the global coordinate system in logical pixels to the local coordinate system for a box.
- RawKeyEventHandler = bool Function(RawKeyEvent event)
- A callback type used by RawKeyboard.keyEventHandler to send key events to a handler that can determine if the key has been handled or not.
= Future<
void> Function(bool systemOverlaysAreVisible) - Signature for listening to changes in the SystemUiMode.
- TextInputFormatFunction = TextEditingValue Function(TextEditingValue oldValue, TextEditingValue newValue)
- Function signature expected for creating custom TextInputFormatter shorthands via TextInputFormatter.withFunction.
- UntilPredicate = bool Function(int offset, bool forward)
- Signature for a predicate that takes an offset into a UTF-16 string, and a boolean that indicates the search direction.
T> = void Function(T value) - Signature for callbacks that report that an underlying value has changed.
- VoidCallback = void Function()
- Signature of callbacks that have no arguments and return no data.
Exceptions / Errors
- MissingPluginException
- Thrown to indicate that a platform interaction failed to find a handling plugin.
- PlatformException
- Thrown to indicate that a platform interaction failed in the platform plugin.