Flutter iOS Embedder
<FlutterViewEngineDelegate> Protocol Reference

#import <FlutterView.h>

Inheritance diagram for <FlutterViewEngineDelegate>:

Instance Methods

(flutter::Rasterizer::Screenshot) - takeScreenshot:asBase64Encoded:
(void) - flutterViewAccessibilityDidCall


BOOL isUsingImpeller

Detailed Description

Definition at line 14 of file FlutterView.h.

Method Documentation

◆ flutterViewAccessibilityDidCall

- (void) flutterViewAccessibilityDidCall

A callback that is called when iOS queries accessibility information of the Flutter view.

This is useful to predict the current iOS accessibility status. For example, there is no API to listen whether voice control is turned on or off. The Flutter engine uses this callback to enable semantics in order to catch the case that voice control is on.

◆ takeScreenshot:asBase64Encoded:

- Rasterizer: (flutter::Rasterizer::ScreenshotType)  type
asBase64Encoded: (BOOL)  base64Encode 

Property Documentation

◆ isUsingImpeller

- (BOOL) isUsingImpeller

Definition at line 16 of file FlutterView.h.

◆ platformViewsController

- (FlutterPlatformViewsController*) platformViewsController

Definition at line 17 of file FlutterView.h.

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